Supported Living Hourly (SLH) provides one-on-one hourly support, supervision, training and assistance for people to live as independently as possible. This service is available to those who live alone in their own homes, with roommates, or a spouse or for adults who live with their parents or other related caregivers when the Contractor is identified as the party with the primary responsibility for maintaining the person’s health and safety. SLH activities are prioritized based upon the person’s assessed needs but always include maintenance of the person’s:
– Health and safety
– Personal care services
– Homemaker
– Chore attendant care
– Medication observation and recording
– Advocacy
– Communication
– Assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living
– Transportation to access community activities and shopping
– Keeping track of money and bills and using the telephone
– Indirect services such as socialization, self-help and adaptive/compensatory skills development necessary to reside successfully in the community
Supported Living with Natural Supports (SLN) provides one-on-one hourly support, supervision, training and assistance to children and adults who live with their parents or other relatives. SLN is a reduced version of SLH and should be used when the parents or other relatives take the primary responsibility for the person’s health and safety, management of benefits, medication observation and recording, and activities of daily life. This service is available to those who live in the home of their parents or other relatives and who need intermittent support to access community, avoid isolation and to complete instrumental activities of daily living. SLN may include:
– Personal care services
– Homemaker
– Chore attendant care
– Advocacy
– Communication
– Assistance with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living
– Transportation to access community activities and shopping
– Keeping track of money and bills and using the telephone
– Indirect services such as socialization, self-help and adaptive/compensatory skills development necessary to reside successfully in the community