COSH is a Utah-based family support care and services provider for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. Offering in or out-of-home services, COSH is committed to helping individuals and their families further independence and live more fulfilling lives.
Providing patient-centered services since 1985, COSH helps children and adults and their families meet their present needs, while working towards future goals. Through our family support services that include Host Home Support, Respite and Supporting Living, our clients learn new approaches and strategies to improve quality of life and increase independence.
We support people with disabilities and their families learn skills that will allow them to actively participate in the community and achieve maximum independence in the least restrictive environment. We assist individuals with Person Centered Planning and provide the support strategies on a consistent basis. We empower people in making life choices and promote community awareness and acceptance. The health, safety and well being of each individual are paramount.
COSH’s primary objective is to provide high quality care by experienced caregivers who coordinate services with individuals and their families throughout each phase of development so objectives of each individual Person Centered Plan are achieved and individual strengths are enhanced.